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Dr. Thomas Joseph and Mrs. Ruby Thomas Edayadi, your hosts at Tabernacle
What our Guests Say
I need more space to write here " Excellent hosts in Ruby plus Thomas. Extra- special food. Cooking demonstration. Taking us out on trips. Good Luck to James in Australia.We came as Strangers but leave as friends. |
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Ian and Sue UK |
Ruby was away unexpectedly, but we had her 2 lovely sisters instead, What a joy. Binu also was so loving and helpful. Our 2 chefs excelled. Very delicious food and so much of it. Thank you so much |
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Lynanne Jacob, Lloyd Lee Canada |
We are very happy of have known a very kind family. Thank you for the hospitality.Thanks a lot.
Estamos muy contentos de han conocido una familia muy amable. Gracias La hospitalidad.Muchas gracias
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Salva Verges, Menchu Duran Spain |
Our stay here was amazing. Our 3 hosts were kind, interesting and most generous with their time. The food was always plentiful and delicious.
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Danielle D' Lima, Bernard D' Lima Canada |
Thank you Mrs. Ruby & Dr. Thomas for such a wonderful experience and for making us feel very much part of your family and your homeland… |
Guest UK |